You're In The Right Place

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your email list grows daily WITHOUT YOU DOING A THING EXTRA!

Imagine knowing that every new group member is also being added to a safely stored email list inside your email marketing platform and inside a backup google sheet!

No more worries about Facebook going down and no more having to be fully reliant on Facebook views to tell people about your offers!

you clearly communicate your offers to all 'leads'... ALL OF THE TIME!

Think about carefully crafting your messaging once and having it send to all leads/potential clients at a consistent time... with no room for human error, no risk of forgetting to do it, no awkward messenger chats where you feel like you are chasing your ideal client around Facebook!

you have people buying your paid offer without the cringey work!

How much nicer would it be if you could NOT have to spend AGES every day reaching out to people relatively at random to chat them up in Messenger or using the dreaded @everyone tag on your group posts and hoping it does not annoy people!

When you know your ideal client is already connected with you and is receiving clear communication about your business offers you can rest easy knowing that the message is getting through to the right people and when its the time for them to buy they know where to find you.


Think about doing less but achieving more! With smart tools taking care of the busy work for you, you are free to spend time on the things you enjoy and actually enjoy running your business again!

You write the emails and messages once and these tools make sure that they reach the right people at the right time without you having to think about it!


your email list grows daily WITHOUT YOU DOING A THING EXTRA!

Imagine knowing that every new group member is also being added to a safely stored email list inside your email marketing platform and inside a backup google sheet!

No more worries about Facebook going down and no more having to be fully reliant on Facebook views to tell people about your offers!

you clearly communicate your offers to all 'leads'... ALL OF THE TIME!

Think about creating your messaging once and having it send to all leads/potential clients at a consistent time... with no room for human error, no risk of forgetting to do it, no awkward messenger chats where you feel like you are chasing your ideal client around Facebook!


Think about doing less but achieving more! With smart tools taking care of the busy work for you, you are free to spend time on the things you enjoy and actually enjoy running your business again!

You write the emails and messages once and these tools make sure that they reach the right people at the right time without you having to think about it!

you have people buying your paid offer without the cringey hard work!

How much nicer would it be if you could NOT have to spend AGES every day reaching out to people relatively at random to chat them up in Messenger or using the dreaded @everyone tag on your group posts and hoping it does not annoy people so much that they leave the group!?

When you know your ideal client is already connected with you and is receiving clear communication about your business offers you can rest easy knowing that the message is getting through to the right people and when its the time for them to buy they know where to find you.


The 1-Click Facebook Funnel

  • 6 X WEEKLY LESSONS: We begin the week with a series of lessons to work through the 6 steps of this Facebook Funnel. If you miss a session no problem... you have access to replays for life! Lessons will drop into the training suite on a Monday at 7am (UK)

  • 12 x LIVE SUPPORT CALLS: Each week on a Thursday there will also be two opportunities to speak to me live in a group zoom so we can troubleshoot and make progress together at 8am and 9pm (UK)

WEEK 1: We make the plan and map out your funnel in all it's glory!

WEEK 2: We create your lead magnet/freebie

WEEK 3: We create the magic! Set up the Automation and get it in motion!

WEEK 4: We craft your messaging for emails

WEEK 5: We make sure your paid offer is set up and ready to sell

WEEK 6: We check in and make sure you're up and running without a hitch

WEEK 1: We make the plan and map out weeks 2 - 6

WEEK 2: We create your lead magnet/freebie

WEEK 3: We craft your messaging

WEEK 4: We make sure your paid offer is set up and ready to sell

WEEK 5: We create the Automated Funnel and get it in motion!

WEEK 6: We check in and make sure you're up and running

  • COMMUNITY CHAT: 6 weeks of support in an exclusive community space. I will respond to any messages once a day but you can all share ideas and chat as a community at any time.

  • STEP BY STEP GUIDANCE: I use easy-to-follow guidance and try to use as little 'jargon' and tech lingo as possible making even the most complex systems manageable and user-friendly, perfect for non-techy business owners who just want to get sh...tuff done without any nonsense!

  • ACTION PLANS: After each session, you will go away with a list of actions with clear steps for that week, keeping you focused and ensuring consistent progress towards your goals in between our calls.

  • ACCESS TO OUR TRAINING APP: Easy access to your session recordings and detailed notes for you to watch back whenever you need to, reinforcing learning and allowing you to revisit key concepts and your list of actions at anytime.



£700 £395

or split it

£400 £200 x 2


  • HAVE A COMPLETE SALES FUNNEL SET UP AND RUNNING: Taking your ideal client from being a new Facebook group member to being a paying client with one click of your finger!

  • HAVE CLARITY ON WHAT YOUR PAID OFFER IS: If you are coming into this without clarity on what you can sell to your Facebook Group audience then the first week of planning will focus on getting clear on who your ideal client is and what they want from you in order to create the perfect 'freebie' to entice them into your email list AND the perfect thing to offer to solve an issue they are experiencing

  • FEEL MORE CONFIDENCE WITH TECH: We will have spent 6 weeks going through the technology behind this one click system so you will know how it works and how to manage it in future if you want to make changes.

  • EASY CONTENT CREATION: Now you know what your ideal client will experience as a new member of your group you will find it so much easier to create Social Media Marketing content! When the thing you promote is a free Facebook Group its so much easier to shout it from the roof tops! You don't have to feel like you are being spammy or salesy because all you are promoting is free support/community knowing your one click funnel will do the rest!

  • MORE TIME TO SPEND ON YOUR BUSINESS: The main reason I put this training together.. at the end of these 6 weeks you will know that your Facebook Group is collecting leads and nurturing them for you so now you can stop worrying about that side of group management and focus on the things you enjoy again!


Why should I even bother collecting emails when my group is interactive and people respond to my posts

If someone is literally joining your group and giving you their contact details why would you not want to speak to them and tell them about your business?!

On top of that ask yourself what you would do if you group was closed down, or you lost admin access, or Facebook shut down!? I have seen all of those things happen to multiple people and it ain't pretty!

Back up your data and protect your business - don't leave it in the hands of Zuckerburg!

My Facebook Group takes up so much time to manage already, I just don't have time to learn something new!

Of course it takes a lot of time to manage if you are doing it all alone and manually... that is exactly why you need to do this!

I want you to be able to enjoy your business, to spend your time doing the things you love (in life and business) and not wasting hours and hours on 'donkey work' that can be automated quickly and simply!

No one else could run my group the way I do, I need a clone! I don't think automated messages would sound the same!

Automation acts AS YOU... you write the messages, you compose the emails so they sound like you and are perfectly crafted to speak to your idea client...the difference with an automated system is that you only do it once!

Once written the messages and emails will send.. consistently... and in order at the right time for every lead!

It just happens! It acts AS you... it is a clone!

What if I don't know what I am selling yet?

In the first week we will plan... for some people this will be more about getting clear on the message they want to share but for others it might be starting with being clear with who the ideal client is and what they want so you can hone your offer. We will cover it all so don't worry....

AND... don't forget that things can change and develop throughout the 6 weeks and beyond. It is perfectly fine to get SOMETHING set up and change it in future as you live and learn more about what your ideal client wants.

Done is better than Perfect right... and we want you to start with DONE so you can start collecting email addresses outside of Facebook AND start learning more about email marketing.

I am not very techy... I just don't know what software to use for my business!

Going it alone with tech can be incredibly time consuming and stressful!

Researching the best options when there are so many offering so many variations of what you need!

Choosing software but then struggling to find the time to learn how it works!!

Let me simplify the choice for you based on my experience AND support you to get it all set up and running!

Want to look for yourself? The two pieces of software I recommend are:

Group Leads - if all you already have a website, email marketing and course software and just need the Facebook integration

Gold Star Pro (which include Group Leads) - if you need it all and want it in one neat package.

Do you guarantee that I will sell through this funnel?

I guarantee that I will help you to craft a funnel that:

  • collects your group member's email addresses and automatically sends them your message over a period of time in order to promote your paid offer

  • speaks to a particular person (who you think is your ideal client) in order to clearly communicate what your offer is and why they need it

  • takes a huge amount of manual work away from you, saving you hours of time each day

I am not in control of:

  • whether or not your message is the correct one for your group members... you need to work on the needs of your group and figure out who they are, what they need, and how you can sell something to them that helps solve whatever issue they have that brought them to your group in the first place. BUT I will share my knowledge and experience of working with hundreds of coaches and course creators to try and help you figure this out.

Are there any refunds if I don't like this course?

I know you will love it because I know the outcome is so powerful... BUT if you begin and think 'this is not for me' I will offer a refund in week 1 but not beyond that point.

To get your refund simply contact me on email [email protected] and let me know why you no longer want to be part of this offer.

Refunds may take 3-10 days to process.

What is the time commitment required of me?

This group program runs for 6 weeks, each week there will be lessons each Monday and 2 opportunities to join live support calls on a Thursday and get actionable advice and hand-in-hand support to set up, connect and manage your new automated Facebook Funnel.

The lesson will be around 1 hour long.

Each support call will be 1 hour long.

Outside of the lesson and calls there will be actions to take; some taking a few minutes and others taking up to a few hours.

Are there any additional costs apart from the fee?

The program fee covers everything relating to the coaching and advice offered... it does not include software costs.

You can get a free trial of Gold Star Pro HERE if you need an all in one software platform for your business.

Or you can sign up to Group Leads HERE if all you need is the one additional tool to add to your existing software.


Why should I even bother collecting emails when my group is interactive and people respond to my posts

If someone is literally joining your group and giving you their contact details why would you not want to speak to them and tell them about your business?!

On top of that ask yourself what you would do if you group was closed down, or you lost admin access, or Facebook shut down!? I have seen all of those things happen to multiple people and it ain't pretty!

Back up your data and protect your business - don't leave it in the hands of Zuckerburg!

My Facebook Group takes up so much time to manage already, I just don't have time to learn something new!

Of course it takes a lot of time to manage if you are doing it all alone and manually... that is exactly why you need to do this!

I want you to be able to enjoy your business, to spend your time doing the things you love (in life and business) and not wasting hours and hours on 'donkey work' that can be automated quickly and simply!

No one else could run my group the way I do, I need a clone! I don't think automated messages would sound the same!

Automation acts AS YOU... you write the messages, you compose the emails so they sound like you and are perfectly crafted to speak to your idea client...the difference with an automated system is that you only do it once!

Once written the messages and emails will send.. consistently... and in order at the right time for every lead!

It just happens! It acts AS you... it is a clone!

What if I don't know what I am selling yet?

In the first week we will plan... for some people this will be more about getting clear on the message they want to share but for others it might be starting with being clear with who the ideal client is and what they want so you can hone your offer. We will cover it all so don't worry....

AND... don't forget that things can change and develop throughout the 6 weeks and beyond. It is perfectly fine to get SOMETHING set up and change it in future as you live and learn more about what your ideal client wants.

Done is better than Perfect right... and we want you to start with DONE so you can start collecting email addresses outside of Facebook AND start learning more about email marketing.

I am not very techy... I just don't know what software to use for my business!

Going it alone with tech can be incredibly time consuming and stressful!

Researching the best options when there are so many offering so many variations of what you need!

Choosing software but then struggling to find the time to learn how it works!!

Let me simplify the choice for you based on my experience AND support you to get it all set up and running!

Want to look for yourself? The two pieces of software I recommend are:

Group Leads - if all you already have a website, email marketing and course software and just need the Facebook integration

Gold Star Pro (which include Group Leads) - if you need it all and want it in one neat package.

Do you guarantee that I will sell through this funnel?

I guarantee that I will help you to craft a funnel that:

  • collects your group member's email addresses and automatically sends them your message over a period of time in order to promote your paid offer

  • speaks to a particular person (who you think is your ideal client) in order to clearly communicate what your offer is and why they need it

  • takes a huge amount of manual work away from you, saving you hours of time each day

I am not in control of:

  • whether or not your message is the correct one for your group members... you need to work on the needs of your group and figure out who they are, what they need, and how you can sell something to them that helps solve whatever issue they have that brought them to your group in the first place. BUT I will share my knowledge and experience of working with hundreds of coaches and course creators to try and help you figure this out.

Are there any refunds if I don't like this course?

I know you will love it because I know the outcome is so powerful... BUT if you begin and think 'this is not for me' I will offer a refund in week 1 but not beyond that point.

To get your refund simply contact me on email [email protected] and let me know why you no longer want to be part of this offer.

Refunds may take 3-10 days to process.

What is the time commitment required of me?

This group program runs for 6 weeks, each week there will be 1 live lesson and 2 opportunities to join live support calls and get actionable advice and hand-in-hand support to set up, connect and manage your new automated Facebook Funnel.

The lesson will be around 1 hour long.

Each support call will be 1 hour long.

Outside of the lesson and calls there will be actions to take; some taking a few minutes and others taking up to a few hours.

Are there any additional costs apart from the fee?

The program fee covers everything relating to the coaching and advice offered... it does not include software costs.

You can get a free trial of Gold Star Pro HERE if you need an all in one software platform for your business.

Or you can sign up to Group Leads HERE if all you need is the one additional tool to add to your existing software.